Aston Villa Rumours 11170


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07 May 2020 18:23:16
Moose buddy, if you're out there, Dave would like you to contact him via e-mail, if you could,
cheers mate, 👍.

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08 May 2020 09:14:29
Will do mate hope you're ok 👍.

08 May 2020 09:50:36
I’m good, hope you and your family are keeping well too mate 👍.

08 May 2020 09:59:53
I'm good mate had my 1st day back at work yesterday before going back properly Monday. A bit of a weird experience to be honest and not something my girlfriend (who lives with her daughter in her own place) was overly keen on as shes not really spoken to me since I said I was going back 😟.

08 May 2020 10:22:42
I can imagine all of this has put a lot of strain on relationships up and down the country mate.
I go back as well next Tuesday, I have a contract until the end of September, I suppose you could say I’m semi- retired now as I don’t work all year round anymore.
Good luck with the restart next week mate and I hope everything works out ok for you, 👍.

08 May 2020 10:39:26
It certainly will strain many relationships mate my mrs is kitchen manager in a pub so God knows when they'll get the go ahead to return probably be 1 of the last. Personally I'm just glad to be getting out the house as I've been rigidly sticking to the social distancing guidelines but it still makes you uneasy going back even though its outdoor work and only 2-3 on site and easy to social distance. I'm hoping the rest of the country gets a similar boost soon probably after Boris's press conference Sunday but hope its adhered to sensibly by everyone though it could cause some social unrest if it affects some and not others. Very trying times for everyone but hopefully everyone's patience and sacrifice will of paid off.

08 May 2020 11:35:56
That’s the thing Moose, if ‘everybody’ follows the personal hygiene and social distancing guidelines it will possibly be ok, but there’s always an unreliable minority isn’t there.
I don’t know, let’s hope as the lockdown is relaxed, everybody behaves responsibly in order to avoid a second wave. 🙏.

08 May 2020 11:41:37
Amen to that brother.



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