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villa80's rumours posts with other poster's replies to villa80's rumours posts
05 Jul 2017 17:52:39
Just herd villa after joe hart surely not, hope so it top jt signing i'm praying it comes off 😂😂😂.
1.) 05 Jul 2017 20:33:11
we are after Joe Hart on loan for season with option to buy if we go up .
2.) 07 Jul 2017 19:59:59
Would be a great signing but could imagine his wages would be alot.
01 Jul 2017 11:49:50
Hi everyone just seen villas new kits, the away kits really smart black with claret on it, home kits ok, what are everyones thoughts.
1.) 01 Jul 2017 11:57:57
I agree! Just ordered away! Lol.
2.) 01 Jul 2017 12:31:58
yep love both gona get them need to go on a diet now to fit in it lol still wish we had the old badge.
3.) 01 Jul 2017 14:55:43
Love the away kit,
4.) 01 Jul 2017 15:04:33
Yes its quality tbf.
5.) 01 Jul 2017 17:35:12
Not lovin the style of the sponsor tbh kits themselves are nice but i feel the blue has been washed out and a bit pale these days preferred the nike ones.
6.) 01 Jul 2017 20:43:46
like em both.
7.) 03 Jul 2017 06:04:59
Love the away and can't go wrong with the formula of light blue sleeves and claret body UTV.
8.) 04 Jul 2017 10:08:43
I want to get my son the whole kit but so expensive. I do think kits kit should be cheaper.
24 Jun 2017 15:35:55
Hope villa sign terry it would be a coup i'd like us to sign ledley too and a winger . i'm looking forward to the new season it could be a good 1.
23 Feb 2017 00:32:26
Does anyone know if mark schwzrtzer is still a freebie that's who we need in goal.
1.) 24 Feb 2017 11:48:36
wouldnt say no but remember the blokes 45 yr old by now.
22 Feb 2017 00:47:23
I see nothings changed at all about villa this season it has been a mess i fear for us we are going to drift down the leagues if we are not carefull our signings have been poor apart from taylor we should be signing prem players not second rate players, our gk is not good enough huttons useless midfield weak apart jedinek no good wingers and one good striker .
that's not going to keep you in this league we should of got warnock he would of been perfect i'm not bruces biggest fan but villa is becoming like england impossiable to manage . we should of never let martin o'neil leave villa our fate was sealed then .
we have wasted millions on average players in the last 3 seasons its a joke. if we escape this season we will be very very lucky its going to come down to when we play burton rotherham blackburn n wigan we get wins against them we will be safe but wouldn't bank on it.
1.) 22 Feb 2017 13:49:23
I agree with a lot of what you said but when you start mentioning Martin o'neil who brought zak knight and habi beye an marlon harewood you lost me he put them on huge wages so the club was introuble moneywise when you think back at the time beye was on more than defoe.
I agree we need prem players the ones bruce has brought so far havnt been great but its early yet. A lot of good prem players don't want to drop to our league mate i looked at the newcastle team a lot of that team was already there. I don't think we will go down its been a horrible season but 1 that we will learn from.
My issue with Bruce is his management has dipped a bit take the preston game 2-0 up when he 1st came he was time wasting men behind the ball his stop doing that preston made it 2-2 in the end Bruce form as dipped but if he gets back to form his a top manager but we need the steve bruce we had at the start not this 1 who looks lost. Keep the faith tho mate nobody said it will be easy this league that's why needs who go up stay up now because its a war to go up! Predicted finish 14th.
2.) 22 Feb 2017 14:45:00
Agree with most of what you say. its been a little up an down the new players have, t settled yet. I believe they will and I think we will be safe. have a feeling we will end the season strong. if we do it will stand us in good stead for next season. Got to keep the faith mate.
3.) 22 Feb 2017 18:08:28
You make some good points but as good as Martin O'Neill was at getting a tune out of a team on a Saturday afternoon I think some of the issues we are having now still stem from his time in charge. We bought average players under him and paid big wages to them. Sidwell, reo-Coker, Beye, Heskey and petrol were all on £50k a week plus and as much as we love Stan for his heart and fight he was still pretty average for a premier league team. He made some decent buys that we sold on at profit but when you look at a man that sells Gary Cahill for £5m so he can buy Curtis Davies for £6m + Luke Moore it's hard to say his transfers were successful. It's only my opinion but O'Neill spent all the money that Lerner had and he spent it on average players that won the same amount of silverware as mcleish and Lambert. Yes we played some decent football but he got us into Europe and then put the kids out so we were out. O''Neil cared about one thing and that was himself and that's why he could just up and leave because he didn't get his own way. I thank him for bringing the likes of Carew and Milner to our club and also bringing the best out of Gareth Barry but he was the start of our demise and I certainly don't think he was the messiah some said he was. and breathe lol.
4.) 23 Feb 2017 11:41:55
No he was not the messiah he was a very naughty boy lol.
5.) 24 Feb 2017 09:17:48
I've a feeling of deja vous with that messiah expression, i wonder why?
villa80's banter posts with other poster's replies to villa80's banter posts
17 Jul 2017 18:07:01
Why are a few idiots moaning for season hasn't even started yet, i don't get it, its preseason who cares bout the results its about fittnes, tacticts, formations, style of play, an getting to know new players. these moaners on here do my head in. there's nothing to moan about, they must have boring lifes, to consistantly go on here, an plus what will do my head in is when if we come up the moaners will be saying yeah well done the villa great an bruce we love u, when everyone on here knows all of us don't moan u get on with it an stand by your club players an manager .
1.) 18 Jul 2017 08:21:42
To all the fans who have slagged me of for my negativity blogs I will now say what a pleasure it is to see villa play exciting football And with the flair to take the championship by storm,
I'm very excited about the coming season and I beg all fans to get behind there team,
Bruce has been a breath of fresh air a manager we have been waiting for a number of years,
Hope this post of mine cheers up some of you for once?
2.) 18 Jul 2017 13:00:16
I couldn't have put it better myself mainbob. I don't think it will stop there either with Steve Bruce at the helm we will be teaching Barcelona how to play football teams will be copying our style.
3.) 18 Jul 2017 14:20:33
Do you get the feeling some bloggers on here are sticking there pins in there voodo dolls?
4.) 18 Jul 2017 16:02:37
I know that feeling mate I got myself a potato and Iam sticking pins in it but it keeps getting rounder and rounder.
5.) 18 Jul 2017 19:57:59
Agree with your post villa 80
Pity the moaners swooped down on it and decided to speak as usual
Never mind it's like minority rule . They probably supported the Monster Raving Loony party just because they thought it was a good idea! 😂.
6.) 19 Jul 2017 09:42:27
And we all stand together:
17 Jul 2017 00:27:49
Wtw, how can u slag off jose and tony pullis? do u think you can do better you always talk 💩 when are going to say something that means something. u are so negative. i'd love jose and tony pullis at villa . i think you think footballs like football manager mate well it isnt, wake up and see the light don't know what world u live in.
1.) 17 Jul 2017 10:47:41
There is nothing to be positive about Aston Villa they keep making the same mistakes over and over again they have the same bad influences Micah Richards Gabby agbonlahor. They keep picking bad manager after bad manager and after the first six games you will know exactly what I mean. Surely will not lead to belive that the team that come 13th last season I know already to win the league? He's a test for them let's try and beat Barnsley twice 1st.
2.) 17 Jul 2017 12:50:52
God I wish you could block people on here.
3.) 17 Jul 2017 13:09:48
WTW you are either a wind up merchant or you have a memory of a gold fish
You write posts to get a reaction I'm sure or it
One minute you write positive messages about the upcoming season and renewing your season ticket and supporting the team
The next it's back to moan moan moan, sack the manager!
Unfortunately sir you are a bafoon who just talks continual 💩 If you can't say anything positive then don't say anything at all.
With fans like you we don't need enemies!
4.) 17 Jul 2017 13:51:58
I feel in Bruce we have the best championship manager around.
Friendly games are for getting players match fit. Yes we all like to win 5 nil each game but that doesn't happen. People like wtw slamming the team all the time makes me laugh. Because if we smash the league he be first saying he prèdicted it and how great a team/ manager we have.
5.) 17 Jul 2017 14:43:11
What amazes me is that Bruce seems to like Richards, gabby, and bacuna,
Now I know it's all about people's opinions but come on these 3 should have gone long ago,
Only trouble there is nobody wants them,
What does that tell you about them?
Gabby will now get another contract due to his goal against the blues?
This is my opinion on these issues but I suppose I'll get dogs abuse for being negative,
Can't wait to see the responses I get!
6.) 17 Jul 2017 15:18:49
You don't warrant a response.
7.) 17 Jul 2017 16:50:15
I feel sorry for the wives, wev, e only got to put up with it on here Lol .
8.) 17 Jul 2017 16:50:18
Mainbob Iam only talking to you here by the way. Facts are we have recruted badly and spent a lot of money and we have picked 2 wrong managers Rdm and Mr Bruce. Last season We was 1 of the lowest scorers in the league because of his borring negative football and we finished 13th so what makes everybody think that we are going to win the league this year? Also I have asked 100s of times and flackie and villa daz don't have a answer what is steve bruces style of play and plan? Me and you are right mate I had this with them When we had Rdm last season b4 it kicked off I said we was in trouble and they said I was negative and guess what rdm put Villa in a lower half then was sacked I got nothing saying sorry you was right they just went on then slating Rdm and saying how great Bruce is. Its got nothing to do with a friendly they are pointless its to do with picking the wrong manager once again! Your manager is your biggest signing if you get it wrong you end up like this.
9.) 17 Jul 2017 17:24:43
Your right I agree, you started last season moaning, and you have done the same this year.
You might be talking him on here but sadly everyone gets to read it.
You might be a villa fan, but you are NOT a supporter.
If you can't work out the difference, I pity you.
10.) 17 Jul 2017 17:27:57
If you can't see Bruce's style you must be blind! He sets up from the back, solid gk and a solid back line then he gets a solid cm to marshal in front of the back line allowing. The rest of the team to be creative and hopefully go and win the game, keeping it solid at the back keeps us in the game to potentially grab a goal or two. It's a tried and tested and proven recipe for success, if your in doubt check his record.
11.) 17 Jul 2017 19:09:51
Apart from last season where is boring negative tactics made us score 1 of the least scorers in the league. When he gets the sack hope you come on here then or will you hide like flackie did with RDM last season when again i knew it wouldn't work. Me and MainBob will not be bullied.
12.) 17 Jul 2017 19:18:06
When have I ever hid?
I believe I even have given my seat number in holt to discuss face to face.
If your confused between ignoring the same post over and over again, to hiding then your a fool.
13.) 17 Jul 2017 20:00:13
Mate I agree
Sod the rest they know nothing?
I am 66 this year and have supported my team since I was 6, But I don't deserve a reply from bloggers because I talk rubbish!
Some of these on here are deluded if they think the football on offer is acceptable,
I remember the Billy McNeil team who were also useless but I don't blame the players one little bit accept the usual suspects.
Until Bruce realises it's a results business and to get the crowds in a entertainment business as well. I go to every game home and away so I am entitled to my opinion on my team. I like a debate on the villa but it seems we 2 are the outsiders.
14.) 17 Jul 2017 21:36:47
Never ever in all my days have I ever heard such a load of complete and utter 💩 In my entire life
How many poeple can possibly moan about a style of play it's unreal!
If you want entertainment there is plenty of massage parlours in edgbaston!
Main bob you go on about being 66 and being entertained watching a game! What your forget is that football now is a business .
Arsenal Wenger plays attractive football but has won diddly squat for a decade .
Mourinho and conte play a similar brand of football to Bruce and grind out results .
I don't mind anyone having an opinion on anything in life. But incessantly moaning about the same old 💩 Day after day is just absolutely rediculous
I see WTW saying how this team finished 13th last season and they aren't good enough!
Bruce isn't good enough, they players aren't good enough, the club isn't good enough . my god if the club we all support is that bad then all the haters just support another team! It's that bloody simple.
15.) 17 Jul 2017 21:50:27
I get so incensed by you people living on the past glories . you think we have it bad, maybe you should look at the Leeds and Nottingham Forest fans
There teams have won major honours like ourselves, but have been on the doldrums for a lot longer than we have .
I am a firm believer in negativity breeds negativity . The Lerner era was terrible with the entire club bad to the core
This includes the fans who have become fickle and living in past glories!
We have a new owner who wants the best for us, a man who has put his money where his mouth is!
We are Aston Villa we love the club and should stick together through thick and thin . We shouldn't argue amongst ourselves about our club!
16.) 18 Jul 2017 13:23:54
All I hear from the likes of you is that me and wtw should be blocked from posting?
Because you don't like confrontation or you are all right in your comments
All I've seen is insults on myself and wtw,
We talk rubbish and that's all that matters,
I'm old enough to have seen all our major wins in the past and I am privileged to have seen great players and great manager's,
But as I've allready said Bruce is not my favourite but I still want to see success this season,
I tell it what I see on pitch home and away and it's not pretty to see since Bruce came in but I hope things change,
I get annoyed reading some posts on here who seem to all gang up on certain bloggers who don't agree with them for whatever reason,
My answer to this is TOUGH!
Next question!
17.) 18 Jul 2017 16:21:48
I have never said you should be blocked main bob!
Also I never hide from confrontation, I just don't agree with the crap you write .
You may well of seen the glories of yester year first hand but that means absolutely nothing .
You and WTW spout the same rubbish time and time again and I will say i disagree with you happily in the knowledge that the majority on here would agree with me
In my book to support a club is to show unwavering backing to a club irrespective.
I am 40 years old have been a villa fan all my life and witness first hand the ups and downs of our club
I have been both viewing and posting on here for several years .
You say that you just don't like Bruce
However let's face it the serial moaners on here haven't liked any manager we have had since Martin O'Neil . maybe that's because we have been awful since Lerner took over!
We now have an owner who is taking an interest, has a good support network around him, has backed the team financially and is doing all he can to get up back up .
In my optinion he is a great owner who has my respect . This respect is enough to offer my support and backing to his choice of manager!
As opposed to just continually moaning about Bruce and his football style of his purchases just back the team with everything you have until the end of the season and the. Judge
If we don't go up or have a poor season, I would envisage that Dr Tony will be lining up the bullet to fire Bruce like he did di Matteo.
18.) 18 Jul 2017 16:33:02
To me it's not even that, although I agree totally.
I'm not saying your opinion is wrong, I'm saying give it, but give it once, not on every thread, not on every post.
Don't on Monday say how great things are, then on Tuesday say the opposite, like a certain many named poster.
Also, you say how it's your opinion, your allowed to have it, of which I agree, but don't then bemoan every opinion which a poses you.
19.) 18 Jul 2017 17:10:18
Villa kenn
I agree with you on one thing about the owner who I rate very highly,
The rest of your post is garbage in my opinion,
You sound like God,
Me and wtw talking rubbish!
It's all about you being right and everybody else talks utter garbage,
Rant over.
20.) 18 Jul 2017 17:19:35
Enough of these biting remarks now I'm getting ready to go down the game
So I better prepare my speech after the game or I might upset the fellow bloggers again?
Can't have that can we not!
21.) 18 Jul 2017 17:23:41
No bob it's about being a supporter of the club not mocking it in every single solitary post you put on here!
Which clearly you do
The rest of my post is garbage, wow flabbergasted . atleast I am one thing which is a supporter of the club and my options never waver.
You and WTW change opinion like the wind Changes direction!
You can rant all you like but your rants are clearly another deluded fan who continues to live In the successes of yester year and not the reality of the last 15 years!
And if I sound like god then so be it, if you spoke sense once in a while then I would listen to what you had to say.
22.) 18 Jul 2017 18:25:46
Biting remarks bob!
Look forward to your after game blog.
Every day is ground hog day 😂😂.
23.) 18 Jul 2017 18:38:03
Bravo master kenn the know all blogger.
24.) 18 Jul 2017 19:34:27
You said it Bob! Well atleast we all know where we stand now .
I am master blogger and you are a 66 year old pensioner living on past glories ðŸ‘.
16 Jul 2017 14:19:51
Man i can't beleive that some people want bruce gone because of a pre season loss, get a grip with yourselfs . your looking like clowns . villa will be top 6 this season easy i'd take play off final win anyday, lay off bruce an wait till end of season if we are not in playoffs then moan an whine , to call for his head now is plain stupid.
1.) 16 Jul 2017 17:31:07
Villa80 unbelievable is right, some fans are so fickle it beggars description . The quick fix wollas who don't seem to understant the word stabillity.
09 Jul 2017 12:35:09
Cant beleive wolves have signed neves he's a class player, he won't be there long .
1.) 09 Jul 2017 14:37:52
how come the financial fairplay don't get them? Why can they spend 15 million and last season they spent 35 million. They havnt even got parchute money. He is a top class player with costa they could be a threat.
03 Jul 2017 13:53:11
Wot a signing for villa i'm over the moon☺☺☺ he's still a class defender, hope we get ledly an a striker, promotion is on the cards hopefully.
1.) 03 Jul 2017 14:53:53
Fantastic signing, experience, skill, leadership i'm over the moon. Need john ruddy to sign on the dotted line now. He would be another great signing. BUZZING VILLA FOR EVER.
2.) 03 Jul 2017 17:32:46
This one signing could prove pivotal when SB looks at other players.
JT in the team means that we will look very attractive to some other players, but to some of the currant team it may simply be the kick start that they need and they may end up being the player that they believe they are.
Only some of them, others have got no chance!
3.) 03 Jul 2017 18:30:09
Agreed Old villian.
4.) 03 Jul 2017 20:00:36
Hi Daz can't believe that someone disagrees with you agreeing!
What goes on?
Perhaps they know you better than you do.
5.) 03 Jul 2017 20:27:28
Me too Old villian but eh oh here's hoping for a great season and hopefully going up.
6.) 04 Jul 2017 10:09:11
Good signing in Terry but last season our main problem was scoring goals and this is the main objective for me,
We have 3 proven championship scorers in squad so it's a no brainer for me Bruce needs to work out how to get them scoring,
First 15-20 games will tell me if Bruce is really the man for us,
He has no excuses we have the strongest squad in championship on paper that is,
22 Feb 2017 00:56:22
Would be good signing if fit mate.
18 Aug 2016 21:24:53
Thanks cheers mate 😅😅.
26 Jul 2016 20:59:02
Same i won't either mate didn't rate him at all.
18 Jul 2016 20:50:19
Hes not that good mate gardner should get a chance mate.
11 Jul 2016 23:14:01
If u read the txt i put going for 6.5 mil an adama on 65thou short for thousand its not rocket science.
10 Jun 2017 22:12:38
Hes class i'd love him at villa.
28 Aug 2016 14:01:25
I know they they is mate i sound like a clown what do clowns sounds like mate . we will be lucky to pick up 20 points mate not 125 mate.
28 Aug 2016 13:30:58
We have lost 2 games mate.
27 Aug 2016 16:33:48
Its going to be a long season mate.
27 Jul 2016 21:07:23
We wasnt after him that was paper talk.