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Ste76's banter posts with other poster's replies to Ste76's banter posts
05 Aug 2017 22:01:53
Well before everyone starts moaning, all but the last 5 mins of the first half we looked good then all but the last 15 mins of the second half we looked average at best and as for loads of people tweeting about chucking samba on at the end so what loads of managers used to do it especially when you ain't got many options left so let's not jump all over bruce just yet oh and i thought old hutton had a good game utv sotb.
04 Oct 2016 18:24:34
Steve bruce for me if my post gets put on.
04 Oct 2016 07:08:15
Steve bruce for me.
03 Oct 2016 17:58:58
Steve bruce gets my vote, underrated manager.
1.) 03 Oct 2016 18:49:31
blue nose.
2.) 03 Oct 2016 20:02:37
Stop with this Potato Head stuff. Remind me what he has done to deserve the top job at our club? That's right not a thing. Have we really sunk this low? We all feel lower than a rattlesnake's left testicle but please this cannot be. I'm just hoping that I wake up and Bobby Ewing is having a shower and this is all a dream.
3.) 04 Oct 2016 15:21:56
I wanna know how he got into your bathroom, always thought his goody 2 shoes routine was a lie!
02 Aug 2016 14:49:07
Ye bye bye then clark if you don't want to play for the villa no more hurry up and pass ya medical so we can spend the 5mill.
11 Oct 2018 12:41:34
RIP Doug however you did rip apart our European winning team.
04 Oct 2018 20:07:34
Note to Ed what about pro evo lge much better footie game.
{Ed007's Note - Let's see how things go going forward.}
29 Aug 2018 21:47:52
Totally agree DJC1983 and another welcome addition to TEAM VILLADAZ 😂.
29 Aug 2018 19:47:11
In my view it’s a good move for green because he ain’t near the 1st team yet, he will get good game time at Pompey people moan about play some of the kids but they ain’t ready/ good enough if brucie plays them and we do poo he will get slated the bloke can’t win it’s alright looking good in preseason but championship is a high standard now UTV.
16 Aug 2018 14:22:54
I like brucie as a manager always have can't believe people are on his back they need to wake up this ain’t championship manager all i here is should play the kids fact is they ain’t good enough if they was they would play simple same as moaning about our style play it is what it is because some of our players ain’t good enough to play high tempo 1 touch footie.
01 Dec 2018 20:06:14
I wish I hadn’t poked the stick into the hornets nest now I have got dingle back posting on our villa page 3yr plan! What’s that go back down this year then come back the year after maybe and our defence maybe your defence needs sorting u could play 6 at the back instead of 5 maybe😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.
01 Dec 2018 09:09:41
It’s nice not to be hearing from dingle AKA top of the lge I just wonder why he has gone quiet hopefully fingers crossed we can change his name for him to bottom 3.
28 Nov 2018 22:32:25
What a hump dinga of a game 0-2 down after 8 mins then we come back but howeverwhen 5-4 up our rubbish keeper should never never get beat on the near post shocking goalkeeping cost us 2 points school boy goalkeeping roll on jan bring heaton in a half decent goalie brings confidence to the back 4 UTV.
25 Nov 2018 19:14:10
A little bit harsh on whelan mate.
25 Nov 2018 15:25:55