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AussieVillaDave's rumours posts with other poster's replies to AussieVillaDave's rumours posts
08 Oct 2016 12:06:58
Why not Brian little, I would give Sherwood a go personally, but that's not going to happen, so why not Brian little . He knows the club, obviously loves the club, if he was interested , give him a go, at least until the end of the season.
1.) 08 Oct 2016 12:40:34
I've got to say mate, I don't really understand this "give him a go" mentality
I loved Little's last tenure at the club. It was great, it was also a long time ago, football moves on and his record post Villa is pretty poor
There is also the fact that I think he would run screaming from the room if he was asked to come back
What we need is someone who is risk free and proven in the division as it is now
I hate to say so but it all points to Bruce.
2.) 10 Oct 2016 16:48:10
Little has been suffering with health issues for a while now, he has visited Stafford county hospital numerous times with stomach pains, he wouldn't want the job and I personally don't think he is up to it both physically or ability wise as mendax has said already the game has moved on and so should villa.
23 May 2016 12:57:49
I see moyes has dropped out, so really, what do the papers know?
1.) 23 may 2016 13:17:49
thank god crap boring manager don't know why you villa fans like him he has always turned us down he clearly don't like us. nigel pearson please! we need a bully otherwise these players take the mick.
2.) 23 May 2016 13:57:37
"Why you villa fans"? What statement is that? are you going through the menopause Mr know it all as all you do is moan moan moan!
3.) 23 may 2016 14:31:30
the players have none nothink but take the mick this season because they know no1 will say anythink its not just 1 player its about 6 or 7 of them surely you can see we need a strong manager like pearson who has won promotion. what's so special about moyes he has never won anythink plays borring 4 5 1 an turns us down all the time no thanx we have had our fair share of sweaty socks be nice to have a manager who gives us straight an we can understand! my positive is nigel pearson should be manager and you get behind him. i will get behind any manager but duno why you all scared of pearson! utv.
4.) 23 May 2016 16:23:36
Moyes has dropped out because the amount of money allocated for transfers is far less than he wanted. Dr Xia has also refused to rule out owner involvement in transfer decisions, including an interest in signing Asian players to market the club's appeal, whether the manager wants the players or not.
There is also growing concern about the financial background, so the deal may be blocked after all.
5.) 23 May 2016 17:20:35
Not scared of person just think he is a idiot with a racist of a son.
6.) 24 May 2016 05:13:56
anything to back the claims fatdave.
7.) 24 May 2016 00:53:06
I have no problem with people expressing their point of view but go easy on the jocks; family history and all that, but even i can't put up with moyesy, watching paint dry as the toffees fans remember the style he played.
AussieVillaDave's banter posts with other poster's replies to AussieVillaDave's banter posts
29 Sep 2018 14:34:40
mourinho anyone 🤔🤔🤔☺☺☺.
1.) 29 Sep 2018 14:49:40
No he's a spent force now 10 yrs ago best manager in world.
2.) 29 Sep 2018 14:53:31
No the special one is no longer special!
Plus he plays boring football like bruce.
28 Oct 2017 14:17:33
And its nighttime.
28 Oct 2017 14:16:42
Sorry about the way you resd it, after all, I am in OZ.
28 Oct 2017 14:10:48
losing, albeit a small hiccup in the curubacrappy cup. Then we started winning. Happy days at last.
Problem 14th Oct - visit to the vets -Wolves away. Collar had to be worn.
We lost.
Collar is in the bottom draw again
. Problem again . dog has to go to the vet again, now do I dig the collar out or use the rope in the back garden and risk lising the missus .
Flackie, keep up tbe good work.
1.) 28 Oct 2017 18:38:58
Not sure what good work you mean mate! But I say, burn the bloody collar! Lol.
28 Oct 2017 14:04:54
So people.
Thought I would change it up a bit.
, I have supported the Villa for nearly 50 years, going home and away until I left for OZ 18 years ago, sorry wtw cannot go any longer.
Anyway after the Cardiff and Reading results in Aug, after being on her for over 4 years I took the official AVFC Dog collar off my dog and put it in the bottom draw. I then noticed results were changing, we wasnt.
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26 Aug 2017 13:57:41
I feel your pain, can't watch the game either but it is still 30 degrees daytime in winter. It does suck 😊😊.
24 Jul 2017 08:43:52
Thanks guys, I can only hope. And yes Indian villa, a right royal pain the early mornings are
, especially after the last few years, I Have a feeling this year will be worth it though . UTV.